VolleyballMag.com has listed the best volleyball courts in all 50 states,… and GSV has made #1 in the state of Ohio!
“If you read my piece after an epic, one-day, 48-team double-elimination tournament held at Grand Sands in late August, you’ll know how I feel about midwest beach volleyball. Ohio is an unexpected pocket of beach volleyball talent and enthusiasm. There are loads of facilities in the area, including the new Sandbox in Cleveland.
But No. 1 must go to Grand Sands. It’s up there with Mango’s in New Orleans as the best man-made site in the United States. The sand at Grand Sands is medium depth — not deep like Mango’s, but not shallow like most other man-made spots. There are 14 total courts, seven inside, seven outside, all of which are in pretty good shape.”
Read the full article… https://volleyballmag.com/united-states-beach-100520/#