Skill Level

  • D = Novice – Happy to get the ball over the net, very vague understanding of the rules. Beer league!
  • C = Beginner – Is gaining ball control, can get it over the net, has an understanding of the rules and the concept of three hits.
  • B = Intermediate  – Practices the 3 hit concept, can overhand serve, understands the positions and has decent court mobility.
  • BB = Advanced – Has good ball control, consistent passing, setting, and hitting.
  • A = Expert – These players know who they are!


Each session is 8 weeks long.

Cost & Payment

  • 2’s Team – $144 ($72 per player)
  • 4’s Team – $288 ($72 per player)
  • 6’s Team – $432 ($72 per player)

$72.00 is due at sign up. Balance is due by week #2.